«The Art of the Shoe»
Серия: Temporis
Abandoning a French look on the subject, Mrs. Bossan, the author, develops her study with a dichotomous vision: that of time that touches the history of mankind and that of geography and sociology, which lead to an almost ethnographic analysis. The author dissects the shoe and all that surrounds it: from its history to painting and literature. After this book, it will be difficult to publish a book with a more complete treatment of the subject. Illustrated with an iconography that is exceptional both for its aestheticism and the pieces chosen, this book is a reference for historians, sociologists and for the fashion victims and designers...
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Умерла детская поэтесса Ирина Токмакова
" Умерла Ирина Токмакова. Пусть память будет светлой... Пусть детством веет ", - написала Она. Детский поэт и прозаик, переводчик детских стихов, Токмакова была рождена в столице России в 1929 году. Ее 1-ый сборник стихов " Времена года " вышел в свет в 1962 году. Также Ее перу принадлежат
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